Softwarehersteller für CAD/CAM + IT

SCHOTT SYSTEME GmbH presents fully automated machining at the METAV 2022

The German software manufacturer SCHOTT SYSTEME GmbH is presenting the fully automatic machining of prismatic workpieces directly from 3D volume data at the METAV 2022. The upcoming CAD/CAM software Pictures by PC Version 3.10 aims to automate the manufacturing process as far as possible in order to drastically reduce the CNC programming times of a wide range of typical parts while at the same time increasing the machining consistency. The entire production process is controlled via command sequences with the integrated, object-oriented interpreter language of Pictures by PC, but is completely transparent to the user at all times. The entire process flow is divided into a few, fully automatic steps.

Data Import

3D volume data is read in as STEP, IGES, VEC or VCZ data and checked for data integrity and ruled geometries. Workpieces with differing positioning are automatically aligned for machining.

Geometry Analysis and Technology Assignment

The geometry data is analysed and examined for planar surfaces, pockets, chamfers, holes and convex and concave fillets. The geometry elements are then assigned suitable machining strategies in the CAM, which originate from the user's proven technology definitions, but can also be edited individually. This completes the CAM work sequence.

Simulation and Testing

Before the workpiece is actually manufactured on the machine, the machining should be checked using an optical simulation. The material removal and path simulation are available for this purpose.

In the case of complex machining, the rest material check is also used to determine whether a workpiece has been completely machined.

Preparation and Production

Depending on which machine (and controller) the manufacturing will occur, the workpiece clamping, zero point and retraction planes must be selected according to the technical requirements (3- or 5-axis machine). The CAM blocks are then adjusted accordingly, the postprocessor selected and CNC program generated. It is also advisable to generate an information sheet for the workshop (graphics, zero point, tools, milling times, etc.)

As can be seen, the process of "one-click automated production" described above reduces CNC programming to an absolute minimum, generates enormous time savings and makes even the smallest job batches profitable.

Software Benefits Instead of Software Costs.

With its in-house developed software solutions, SCHOTT SYSTEME GmbH can look back on more than 35 years of product continuity. During this time there has been no maintenance or support costs for the software.


Visit SCHOTT SYSTEME on the METAV in Hall 16, Stand D21 (Partner to IndustryArena)

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: SCHOTT SYSTEME GmbH

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