ZCC Cutting Tools Europe

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Über ZCC Cutting Tools Europe

Zhuzhou Cemented Carbide Cutting Tools Co., Ltd. (ZCC-CT), based in Zhuzhou, Hunan in the People's Republic of China, is part of the ZCC Group.

Since its foundation in 1953, the group has developed into one of the world's leading carbide manufacturers with more than 6,000 employees in the field of carbide production thanks to the latest technologies and highly qualified personnel.

Based on the latest production technologies, ZCC-CT produces products of consistent quality at the highest level. The extensive product range includes carbide inserts (coated and uncoated), inserts made of Cermet, CBN, PCD and ceramics, solid carbide tools as well as tool holders and milling bodies. ZCC-CT is a long-term and reliable partner to the global machining industry.

Research and development has a particularly high priority at ZCC-CT. The world's most modern equipment and advanced machines from Germany and Switzerland are used for this area and above-average investments are made.

Production and administration in China are subject to ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 140001:2004 in the area of environmental management.

In 2003 the company started trading in Europe and in 2006 founded ZCC Cutting Tools Europe GmbH. The European branch currently has over 100 employees, who support all European union countries, the UK and Turkey. The company’s quality management is certified in the area of distribution and logistics of metal-working tools’ in accordance with ISO 9001:2015.

To meet our exceptionally high standards for customer services, the number of employees in external and internal sales, technical support and application technology, research and development, as well as in logistics, marketing, IT, HR and accounting is growing as the company continues to expand.

External sales staff and distribution partners in Europe provide on-site support to customers across the region. ZCC-CT application engineers are there to offer their full range of expertise and assist you by phone, via e-mail or in person.

The internal sales team is available to answer enquiries from clients across Europe in the customer’s native language. They work together with employees from the logistics team to ensure that all orders are delivered as quickly as possible.
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