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Visit us at the EMO 2019 in Hanover

Sabine Scheible
Sabine Scheible Marketing AMF Andreas Maier GmbH & Co. KG am 2. September 2019 um 11:23 Uhr

This year, we will serve you at three different trade fair stands.

With over 2,200 exhibitors from 44 countries, an expected 130,000 visitors, and the theme “Smart technologies driving tomorrow's production”, EMO Hanover is proving to be the industry's leading trade fair this year as well.

Visit us at our trade fair stand in hall 4 | stand D53. On 140 m² of stand space, in addition to the new AMF gripper technology, modern zero-point clamping technology and AMF wireless sensoring systems, we will show you many new innovations in clamping technology and automation solutions.

You will discover how to make your machining centre run by itself. Our focus is on automation of your machine tool and central pallet handling for maximum productivity.

Generative production processes are finding more and more application areas and are becoming an important production technology for the future. With the "Additive Manufacturing Circle", a shared project of the German Machine Tool Builders' Association (VDW) and the Konradin Publishing Group, this year's EMO features a platform in which national and international companies can present themselves and display their know-how as well as their printed workpieces to a broad public.

Please visit us at our partner stand “Additive Manufacturing Circle“ in hall 9 | H20.

You can especially look forward to our presentation on Tuesday, 17/09, from 11:00 to 11:30 am, and on Thursday, 19/09, from 2:00 to 2:30 pm. Manuel Nau, our Sales Manager for the South, North and East Regions as well as Austria, will present on the subject “Automating additive series production with zero-point clamping technology as the standard interface”. For more information, please see the programme flyer.

You can also visit us at our partner stand “mav Industry 4.0 Area”, hosted by the Konradin Publishing Group, in hall 9 | stand F32. In addition to our new modular gripper and the wireless AMF radio sensors, we will present here many additional products from all areas of clamping technology.

On Tuesday, 17/09, from 3:00 to 3:25 pm, in his presentation "With radio sensors to wireless automation", Manuel Nau, our Sales Manager for the South, North and East Regions as well as Austria, will show how a fully automated, unmanned production process can be easily achieved. (Hall 9 | stand F32). For more information, please see the programme flyer.

You can also look forward to our presentation in the VDMA Technology Forum (17-19/09) in hall 4 | stand D39, on Wednesday, 18/09, 11:10 to 11:30 am, “Too simple to be real! Make your machine tool run by itself at low cost with AMF gripper technology.”

We look forward to your visit and having interesting discussions with you at the EMO Hanover.
Reserve your free ticket today!

The EMO is open daily from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, and on the last day (21/09) to 4:00 pm.

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