IndustryArena Showroom

competence network for production

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IndustryArena opens webshop

Online platform adds lead generation to competence profile

Langenfeld, March 2021 – Digital sales and communication channels are gaining in importance in B2B trade - which is why IndustryArena is now launching its own webshop. The platform has more than 535,000 registered users, making it the largest online portal for the manufacturing industry. It offers ideal conditions for companies to extend their reach and generate all-important leads.

"B2B customers were digitally active long before Covid-19 and social distancing. Decision-makers have been searching online for information, solutions, products and suppliers for years. e-commerce therefore holds a great deal of potential in this area. We decided to open our own webshop in an effort to meet the increasing demands of B2B customers. It allows us to combine content marketing and sales on a central platform," says Frank Nolden, Managing Director of IndustryArena, Langenfeld.

B2B customers now have the convenience of purchasing everything they need – from high-quality cutting tools, tool holders, drill and lathe chucks as well as hand tools from renowned manufacturers such as Bosch, AEG and Kärcher through to a large selection of accessories and office supplies – at the click of a mouse at More than 200,000 products from around 1,000 brands are divided into 15 product groups, including work protection, construction equipment, hand tools, measuring and surface technology, screwdriving tools and welding and clamping equipment. This move takes the company a big step closer towards offering its products to tradespeople and their skilled personnel nationwide.

The IndustryArena webshop also offers a range of special B2B functions which allow it to uphold its accustomed service quality even during the pandemic. This grants B2B customers direct access to high-quality and ready-to-use products and services. Conditions, delivery times, pictures and detailed technical data can be accessed 24 hours a day. Commercial buyers can order products quickly and easily, with 24-hour delivery assured. The shipping area is currently limited to Germany, however this is set to be gradually expanded in the future.

The webshop has been awarded a seal of approval, and is distinguished by its user-friendliness. It is regularly updated to ensure it remains state-of-the-art, and B2B customers also enjoy a low price guarantee and monthly offers, including discounts of up to 50 per cent. Major customers also receive special purchase prices. The fast entry functions ensure efficient ordering. These include camera-scanning, manual entry of item number and quantity, and shopping basket import via XLS or CSV. Buyers can add items to a favourites list or save the shopping basket for purchase later. The items in the shopping basket can also be downloaded as a PDF. Payment is made by credit card, Paypal or "Sofortüberweisung". Purchase on account will also be introduced in the near future.

In addition, a highly effective ticketing system is used for customer service and customer interactions. This helps provide the best possible service to business and corporate customers and allows customer requirements to be responded to quickly and efficiently.

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