
Die weltweite Nummer 1 der CAM-Systeme.

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9th Annual Innovator of the Future Winner

CNC Software, developer of Mastercam CAD/CAM software, has announced the winner of its 2013-2014 Innovator of the Future (IOF) competition:
Ryan Jacquemin - Student at the Oliver Wolcott Technical High School, Torrington, CT

Mastercam's IOF competition helps introduce students to real-world manufacturing by challenging them to put their own creative twist on a specific part to be judged by a special guest from the manufacturing industry.

For the 2013-2014 competition, students designed and machined an aerospace mirror similar in design and function to mirrors that are used in industry-leading space-borne and technology projects, and were judged by Optimax, the company that makes the optics behind the latest breakthrough technologies in aerospace, defense, and consumer electronics. The winner receives a $1,000 check for school expenses, Mastercam software, and a trip to Florida to visit the Kennedy Space Center.

Rick Plympton, CEO of Optimax says, "All of the candidates did a wonderful job with their parts and every part submitted has winning attributes that resembled the mirrors Optimax has produced for aerospace projects like the Mars Rover."

However, the judges at Optimax picked Ryan’s optical mirror because "He went the extra mile and hand polished the part," said Alan Gould, Mechanical Engineer of Optimax. "It was also the most accurate mirror compared to the original specs."

Ryan Jacquemin, this year's IOF winner, "I designed the part the way I did because I wanted to challenge myself by making something complicated that could be a learning experience for me, as well as be creative enough to win the competition. I learned many new techniques in Mastercam in the process of making the part, so that is a reward in itself, and is one of the reasons I wanted to enter the competition. Another reason I entered the competition was because I wanted to prove to myself, to my instructor, and to my father that I could complete the part the way I designed it, and maybe even win the competition with it. Winning this competition is the most amazing thing I have ever done up to this point in my life, and it is something I will remember for the rest of my life."

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: InterCAM-Deutschland GmbH

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