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CNC Software, Inc. Unveils Mastercam 2017

Tolland, CT –CNC Software announces the release of Mastercam 2017. Mastercam 2017 brings a new suite of programming tools focused on delivering speed, automation, and efficiency for all machining jobs. Mastercam 2017 introduces a more efficient workflow, improved usability, Dynamic Motion improvements, and so much more.

Designed for Faster Workflow

Mastercam 2017 features a new ribbon interface and makes it easier to find the functions you need to complete your tasks. “Many of our more powerful tools were underused because customers did not know where to find them,” says CNC Software President, Meghan West. “We spent a lot of time with users determining the best way to simplify this, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive.” The ribbon tabs group similar functions and displays them in order from simple to more complex. Each tab relates to a type of activity, from creating wireframe geometry to generating toolpaths. Editing functions are on the same tab as creation functions so you have all the tools you need, when you need them.

Dynamic Motion Technology

Mastercam’s Dynamic Motion technology can slash machine time by as much as 75% or more. And, Dynamic Motion will help you get the most out of any machine in your shop—new or old. Mastercam’s Dynamic Motion technology maximizes material removal rates, extends tool life, reduces cycle time, saves wear and tear on machines, and cuts hard materials more easily. New to 2017, micro lifts now use a line-of-sight approach to move the tool where it needs to go through unobstructed areas. This results in reposition moves that are more efficient, less complex, and travel a shorter distance resulting in shorter cycle times.

Complex Machining Made Easy

Mastercam 2017 introduces Maximum Stock Engagement for select 3D High Speed Finishing toolpaths, allowing you to limit how deeply the cutter engages uncut material and protect smaller tools from taking too heavy of a cut. Optimized Raster Motion improves toolpath efficiency by filling in steeper geometry with perpendicular raster motion to create a cleaner result. Mastercam Mill-Turn now supports multi-station tool locators for turrets as well as half index positions and improvements to tool and job set-up to improve overall workflow.

Mastercam 2017 has many powerful toolpath enhancements:

  • Preview select 2D High Speed toolpaths in the graphics window before closing and generating or regenerating the toolpath.
  • The Level and Plane Managers are now a dockable, floatable function panel and has been redesigned for more intuitive controls and easier workflow.
  • Tool Setup Manager in Mill-Turn has been redesigned to improve workflow and ease of use.
  • New features have been added to Multiaxis Drill, such as using a line length for the drill depth and recognition of the stock model for depth and top of stock purposes.
  • Multiaxis now includes a new 4-axis toolpath – Rotary Advanced – which allows more control over the tool motion through the selection of walls, hubs, and shroud surfaces.
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: InterCAM-Deutschland GmbH

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