
Die weltweite Nummer 1 der CAM-Systeme.

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CNC Software Partners with Machining Cloud GmbH

Tolland, CT – CNC Software Inc., developers of Mastercam CAD/CAM software, has partnered with Machining Cloud GmbH to provide Mastercam users direct access to the cutting tool product data available on the cloud. This reduces the frustration and time associated with obtaining the tooling information needed for their programming, simulation, and other shop floor activities.

Machining Cloud's mission is to provide the manufacturing community a single source of access to complete and up-to-date product data from the leading manufacturers of cutting tools, machine tools, and work holding. Through the Machining Cloud tablet and desktop apps, Mastercam users will have access to a rich set of software features including cutting-tool selector, configurator, and advisor. Upon completion of the Mastercam Machining Cloud Interface, the cutting-tool manufacturers’ descriptive, usage and geometric information, and application knowledge will be readily available for users to directly apply to their Mastercam system.

“CNC Software, Inc. is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art software tools for CAD/CAM manufacturing markets. Our goal is to provide superior software products based on our users' needs to solve simple to complex design and machining problems. Collaborating with Machining Cloud will offer our Mastercam users a source to easily obtain the cutting tool data they need for their programming and simulation,” says Doug Nemeth, Corporate Sales Manager for CNC Software.

Michael Taesch, Cloud Evangelist for Machining Cloud GmbH says, “This partnership will create significant value and time savings for Mastercam customers by providing a solution to facilitate the flow of continuously up-to-date product data from the leading cutting tool manufacturers into Mastercam for CNC programming and simulation.
The cloud-computing technology that has dramatically changed the shape of industries such as music, television, news, social networking and many others is now materializing in the metalworking market with Machining Cloud.”

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: InterCAM-Deutschland GmbH

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