
Die weltweite Nummer 1 der CAM-Systeme.

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Mastercam Certified for Access to DMG MORI

CNC Software, developer of Mastercam CAD/CAM software, announces their collaboration with DMG MORI USA to produce a seamless interface to the Mori-APT workflow. DMG MORI has certified Mastercam to program the DMG MORI mill, lathes, and mill-turn machines that are supported within their Manufacturing Suite Post Processor.

DMG MORI has provided a standard tool path format, called Mori-APT, which acts as the generic input into their Manufacturing Suite post processor to power a growing number of their machines. The intent of this format is that CAM packages, such as Mastercam, will only have to output tool path to this format, and the DMG MORI interface will then tailor the NC code output for the target machine. With the DMG MORI Manufacturing Suite, customers will use a post processor developed and provided by
DMG MORI for any of the DMG MORI machines supported by the Manufacturing Suite.

Mastercam users will continue to program their parts in the same manner they do today, but will be able to select the Mori APT-CL for the output format, which then can be post processed to generate NC code through the Manufacturing Suite from DMG MORI. Mastercam’s Mori-APT output interface will be available from CNC Software and the Manufacturing Suite Post Processor will be available from DMG MORI.

As DMG MORI adds post processing of newer machine series to the Manufacturing Suite, Mastercam will support them naturally. In the future, all DMG MORI machines will be able to handle this output format. For the time being, Mastercam will continue to support all DMG MORI machines that are not yet supported in the Manufacturing Suite with a post processor available through the worldwide Mastercam Reseller Channel.

At the upcoming IMTS 2014 show, DMG MORI will be giving demonstrations in their booth, of this interface between Mastercam and their machines in the
Manufacturing Suite. Stop by booths E-5010 or S-8900 to see it in action.

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: InterCAM-Deutschland GmbH

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