
Die weltweite Nummer 1 der CAM-Systeme.

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Mastercam Reaches Their 200,000th Installation

What Does This Mean for You?

Tolland, CT – CNC Software, Inc. is proud to announce that Mastercam has reached its 200,000th installation. Specialised Orthotic Services is a UK-based company dedicated to providing customized seating for anyone needing specialized seating for correct posture and support.

“Our new Mastercam-programmed robotic cell will further our ability to provide the best possible innovative special seating systems and other rehabilitation products,” says Operations Manager, Stuart Pegg, “coupled with quality service no matter how complex our clients’ disabilities.”

Specialised Orthotic Services now belongs to the largest CAD/CAM community, and is obtaining the benefits of all the Mastercam knowledge and support out there. If you are a Mastercam customer, what does this mean for you? How can you benefit from the 200,000 Mastercam installations out there?

Looking for Experienced Mastercam Users

Shops around the world are always in need of experienced machinists and programmers to keep their business running smoothly and efficiently. If you are a shop owner, and looking to hire, it’s good to know that there are so many qualified Mastercam programmers in the workforce. Mastercam has the most installations of any CAM vendor, and you can use this to your advantage to find a machinist who is already experience and trained in Mastercam. Or, if you are looking for a job, knowing the most widely-used software out there can help you find a job. Shops are always posting job openings, and many are looking for that Mastercam experience.

Ever-Expanding User Community

The Mastercam Community is constantly expanding with each new installation, and this means you have access to the largest community of CAM users on the planet. There is always someone out there who can help you in a time of need. With social media, user groups, and forums, you are never alone and can always get your questions answered.

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: InterCAM-Deutschland GmbH

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