
Digital Industries, Motion Control, Machine Tool Systems

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Specialist for motor cycle tuning

Schmauss Werner
Schmauss Werner Ingenieur Siemens am 28. Juni 2016 um 12:53 Uhr

Two motorbike enthusiasts from Bavaria, Manfred Sehr of SWS CNC Fräsen and Michael Behrendt of HMB-Guzzi, ensure that bike lovers can still ride older Moto Guzzi models, with their distinctive two-valve engines, to this day.

SINUMERIK for classic bikes

When tuning parts for older Moto Guzzi bikes, true-to-size production is particularly important - something that is guaranteed by SWS CNC Fräsen, which specializes in small-series and individual pieces

When Manfred Sehr and Michael Behrendt are asked about the first time they met, they can’t help but chuckle. Sehr’s search for an exhaust system for his Moto Guzzi (a 1987 Mille GT) took him to the HMB-Guzzi workshop in Röttenbach near Nuremberg. There he saw various valve covers, screws and hubs and went right ahead and told Behrendt, "We can make these parts - only better." That was the start of a successful partnership.

Success with an online shop

An old Moto Guzzi, in top condition both technically and visually, is enough to get many motorbike fans’ hearts racing caption

Originally, Behrendt ran only a small motorbike workshop. But then everything took an unexpected turn. "Moto Guzzi fans worldwide all ask themselves the same things: How can I keep my beloved bike running properly? Where can I get good spare parts and tuning parts? That’s how I came up with my online shop idea," explains Behrendt. His online shop transformed the small workshop into an internationally known tuning specialist for Moto Guzzi. Tuning here refers less to the upgrading of engine performance and more to the business of replacement parts with understated visual and technical tuning to keep fans happy with their bikes.

Many original parts, however, are no longer available. In addition, explains Behrendt, "Motorbike components from the ’70s and ’80s are representative of the state of processing technology and materials from that time. Things are much more advanced nowadays. With modern CNC technology and new materials, we are able to produce parts that fit much more precisely and are of higher quality, and we are often able to improve their functionality and service life, too. That’s why we also develop our own parts."

Demand for flexibility and good tools

We produce small-series of 20 to 100 units for HMB-Guzzi. SINUMERIK scores points for its handling and the coordinated operator interface with ShopMill. Manfred Sehr, Owner, SWS CNC Fräsen

SWS CNC Fräsen, Sehr’s Schwabach-based company, is responsible for producing these parts. At this family business with four employees, even the boss himself can be found working at the machines from time to time. Instructions for production can take very different forms, from a sample original part to little notes with ideas for modifications sketched by Behrendt. At SWS, highly complex parts are drawn up in SolidWorks CAD, but most of the models are created in Mastercam and then programmed using ShopMill. "ShopMill is incredibly powerful, and at the same time we have a perfect view of the workpiece and every stage of the process," says Sehr.

For production at SWS, there is a DMG five-axis machining center with SINUMERIK 840D, as well as four three-axis milling machines from various manufacturers that are equipped with SINUMERIK 810D and 840D. Says Sehr, "We produce small-series of 20 to 100 units for HMB-Guzzi and other clients. SINUMERIK scores points for its handling and the coordinated operator interface with ShopMill. We have two employees here who worked for many years with a different control system - they wouldn’t want to do without SINUMERIK anymore either. We use SinuTrain for training purposes."

This training is very important to Sehr. "We specialize in small-series and prototypes," he says. "Perfect precision and premium surfaces are particularly important for tuning parts. After all, we also use CNC machines to engrave decorative parts like engine and carburetor covers. We also have other clients with similar demands for medical technology, so we work with plastics, too. In order to please small-batch customers and still work cost-effectively, we have to offer them good planning and programming - and the right partner."

For the inner child

Competitive pressure in the motorbike tuning sector is huge. Quality, appearance, technical characteristics and also price must all be just right. HMB-Guzzi has been able to gain a competitive advantage through its collaboration with SWS. Behrendt explains, "We’re able to show bike fans how their parts are produced - including videos of the parts being processed on SWS’s CNC machines. The click counts show that people love the videos because they’re able to see that our processes are of really high quality. Their inner child simply wants to know exactly how it’s done. I’m just the same."

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