
Digital Industries, Motion Control, Machine Tool Systems

Machine tool industry benefits from new applications for MindSphere

Siemens is presenting new applications for the open, cloud-based IoT operating system MindSphere specifically for the machine tool industry at AMB 2018 in Stuttgart. This includes the Analyze MyPerformance /OEE Monitor application which is now available on the latest version of MindSphere. Analyze MyPerformance /OEE Monitor allows users to capture machine data for configuring important parameters, to carry out availability and utilization analyses, and to compare estimated productivity with actual results – customer-specific OEE calculations are also available. In addition to this, users can also produce a shift calendar with the application which allows the machine utilization to be calculated even more accurately. This makes production planning significantly easier.

The Manage MyMachines MindSphere application provides machine manufacturers and operators cloud-based access to the field of condition monitoring and an overview of the most important data and operation conditions from connected machines. Manage MyMachines is now available on the latest version of MindSphere. Users can capture, analyze, and visualize relevant machine data via the application. This increases machine condition transparency and its progress over time. The added application Manage MyMachines /Remote extends Manage MyMachines with an extra remote feature. It provides remote access to the CNC (Computerized Numerical Control) and thus failsafe, encrypted communication via the internet. This increases machine availability, reduces costs in the event of disruption and simplifies maintenance and servicing. Manage MyMachines /Remote will be available for the latest version of MindSphere in the near future. The application presented at AMB will be for this version.

Another MindSphere application demonstrated at the AMB ensures improved management of service requirements by visualizing spindle operating data. Signal transmission, irrespective of the point in the cycle, rapid tool changing, and particularly easy commissioning are all possible with the addition of the SMI24 sensor module. The user benefits of short chip-to-chip times, more straightforward commissioning, and planned spindle servicing. A prototype of this application will be shown at AMB.

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: Siemens AG

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