
The Solid Platform for Manufacturing

SolidCAM China held a successful summer training on SolidCAM 2017

SolidCAM China held a successful summer training at Shanghai Electric Li Bin Technician Institute. Nearly 50 people from East China, Southern China and North China attended the training.

SolidCAM’s engineers gave an overview of SolidCAM’s Simultaneous 5-Axis Machining and its features. Sim. 5x module supports all rotary kinematics, including Table/Table, Table/Head and Head/Head configurations as well as the latest multi-function Mill-Turn machining centers.

SolidCAM's Sim. 5x features specific solutions for SWARF, Multiblade, Port, Contour 5x, Multiaxis drill, Conversion of HSM to Sim 5x, Multiaxis roughing and Rotary machining.

Participants were also introduced to the revolutionary technology of SolidCAM’s iMachining 2D & 3D. iMachining 3D is an automatic, high-speed milling tool path for optimized Roughing with "staircase reduction", and Rest Roughing for both prismatic and general shaped 3D parts. It provides amazing 3D machining results, regularly saving 70% in machining time, even reaching up to 90% savings.  

iMachining 3D automatically produces a complete, ready to run CNC program, with optimal cutting conditions achieved by the expert Knowledge based Technology Wizard, to rough and rest rough a complete 3D part, all in a single operation, both for 3D surfaced and prismatic parts.

Combined with its full-depth step-down, intelligent step-up, localized machining and smart positioning, iMachining 3D eliminates almost all retracts, long positioning, and air cutting to produce the shortest optimal cycle times in the industry for roughing and semi-finish of molds, complex 3D parts and 3D prismatic parts.

SolidCAM’s partner, Tongtai Machine & Tool Co. took part at the seminar and introduced their products to the participants.

At the second part, participants visited the NC training workshop of Shanghai Electric Li Bin Technician Institute and were very impressed with the high technology presented there.

At the end of the three days training, participants were satisfied and gave high praises to SolidCAM and their partners. A special thanks to Shanghai Electric Li Bin Technician Institute which provided the venue, the machine, and full support of the teachers!

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: SolidCAM GmbH

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