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The tandem version of the TruBend Series 8000

Connected machines deliver double the bending length and press force – single-machine operation boosts capacity – ToolShuttle with space for 60 meters of tools – shorter set-up and search times, higher productivity bold

The sheet-metal plates that demonstrate the power and precision of the TruBend Series 8000 are famously big and fat – and now the TRUMPF machines for bending large-format components can actually deliver twice the performance. How? In a tandem version. Bending expert Babette Kopp from TRUMPF Machine Tools in Teningen explains: “If you utilize two machines as just one, it gives you the option of doubling the bending length, that is, up to 8100 millimeters, and also of doubling the press force – and that adds up to 10,000 kilonewtons. In other words, the parts portfolio can be expanded significantly, because compared to any stand-alone machine in the 8000 series, the user can bend longer material.”

The tandem version comes as standard with a C-frame with a throat depth of 820 millimeters and a maximum distance between table and press beam of 820 millimeters. This, combined with the fact that the table width is a mere 140 millimeters despite the enormous bending forces, further increases bending flexibility and part variety. Of course, each machine can also be operated individually, for double the capacity with less setup work.

Rapid speed is also no problem in tandem operation
For safe operation in stand-alone mode, the two machines are separated from each other at the push of a button by a protective door. In tandem operation, the door moves back automatically, so that bending can take place along the entire length. To ensure maximum process reliability, the BendGuard safety systems of the two individual machines are connected to one another – so the entire bending length is directly under control on the tandem machine, enabling rapid speed even in connected operation.

Surface-mounted version for easy installation
Installation of the tandem is uncomplicated because, unlike other large-format bending machines, it arrives as standard in the production hall as a surface-mounted version. Costs for elaborate machine foundations are no longer necessary. Instead, the two stand-alone machines are individually loaded from the truck and simply connected to each other. Here, the tandem partners are fixed together precisely using tensioning screws with fine threads. In addition, the machine tables are bolted using solid connecting elements – ensuring stability and accuracy during tandem operation for the best possible bending results.

Fewer tool changes for more productivity and part variety
With the TruBend Series 8000, high-quality bending is guaranteed by means of mechanical crowning with a precisely adjustable crowning curve. Thanks to the selective adjustment option of the crowning and precise synchronization of both machines, the tandem version offers bending results that are just as good as those of the stand-alone machine. The CNC-controlled crowning ensures constant angle accuracy along the entire bending length.

In contrast to the eight-meter-long stand-alone machine, the TruBend Series 8000 tandem version enables lower tool offset (I-axis) along the entire bending length. This allows a great variety of different bends, and also folds, using the same combination of upper and lower tools. The number of tool changes decreases, while productivity and part variety are both increased.

ToolShuttle – storage space for a full 60 meters of tools
For even more productivity on large-format TRUMPF machines, the ToolShuttle now offers a special storage system for upper and lower tools. Babette Kopp explains: “With the ToolShuttle, users are being given a tooling concept for heavy tools for the first time. It enables simple and ergonomic setup while minimizing setup and search times.” For TRUMPF bending machines in the 8000 Series weighing up to 600 tonnes, the ToolShuttle has room for up to 28 upper and 32 lower tool compartments – that adds up to total storage space for more than 60 meters of tools! In order to avoid tilting of offset tools, special storage compartments ensure correct support. Further storage space is provided by practical drawers in the lower part of the ToolShuttle.

Easy transportation of heavy tools – with the intelligent transfer unit
Via a moveable transfer unit with three tool holders at the top and bottom respectively, the tools are brought to the bending machine. This not only protects the operator’s back: if he equips the upper and lower transfer unit with new tools and moves them to the bending machine, he can also push the tools to be changed into one of the free tool holders at the same time. This means that he can equip and remove tools in just one operation. A useful additional option: The turning unit makes it possible to turn heavy and/or offset tools through 180 degrees without any effort at all.

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: TRUMPF SE + Co. KG

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