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TRUMPF launches a new online magazine

TRUMPF is launching a new online magazine as part of its corporate communications strategy. In taking this step, the high-technology company is responding to changing habits in media consumption – with an ever-increasing shift toward online material – and thereby promoting awareness of topics relating to TRUMPF. The new online magazine is aimed at existing customers, potential customers and job applicants as well as readers interested in technology and TRUMPF. The editorial team will write in a concise but casual style alongside images, videos and animations. Their journalistic goal is to provide content that is carefully researched, relevant, easily understood and entertaining.

The new online magazine will cover a diverse range of enjoyable and useful topics. Case studies, interviews and specialist articles on the key issues of Industry 4.0 or lasers and machine tools will provide information on products and technologies. There will also be various articles on working at TRUMPF, including articles on subjects such as agile project management or cultural events within the company. In addition, the online magazine will offer experts from the fields of research, science and industry a platform to publish their opinions. In short, the new online magazine will reflect everything that makes TRUMPF the company it is.
TRUMPF continues to expand its owned media

In introducing the new online magazine, TRUMPF is expanding its range of in-house media. In terms of print publications, its two established and regular magazines (TRUe and LaserCommunity) will continue to provide information to their readers. In this respect, each of these publications has a different focus and target group. TRUe is a customer magazine aimed principally at clients in sheet metal processing, whereas LaserCommunity is a magazine for laser users that emphasizes lasers and their capabilities.
The new online magazine will initially be published in German and English.

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: TRUMPF SE + Co. KG

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