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AMF sets course for the future

in 2023, Andreas Maier GmbH & Co. KG (AMF) achieved a turnover of 51 million Euro, which represents further growth and a record in its 134-year history. The result falls short of expectations, as it is largely eaten up by inflation and cost increases. Nevertheless, the Fellbach-based company is starting the new year full of hope. With new products and modern working models, the family-owned company is anticipating changes in the world of work. In particular, the recently introduced Smart Automation loading system gives makes us confident, as it counteracts the shortage of skilled labour. Within the company itself, modern working models ensure that AMF remains attractive to employees. Further digitalisation efforts and a global presence should also ensure growth in 2024.

"We are quite satisfied with our renewed growth and annual turnover of 51 million Euro, without getting carried away about it now," emphasises Johannes Maier, Managing Partner of Andreas Maier GmbH & Co. KG in Fellbach. "With our fundamental optimism, we are looking ahead with confidence despite the difficult economic, political and social conditions." Despite three per cent growth compared to the previous year, the mood is not euphoric. Weakening demand in the second half of the year depressed the result, which the company generally does not mention. And it is dampening expectations for 2024. Innovative and attractive products and modern working models are intended to counteract this. The course has been set for this.

Global presence and market proximity continue to promise success

AMF also generated about 45% of its turnover outside Germany in 2023. In addition to Europe, Asia and America remain important. Weakening sales in China were compensated by strong growth in India. While the USA largely stagnated at a high level, South America saw an increase in demand. In Germany, demand for solutions in the project business continued to grow. Increases in customised solutions confirm the decision of AMF to increasingly develop into a solution provider with innovative products. The mix of customers in future-oriented sectors such as e-mobility, optical measurement technology and aerospace ensures that declining sales in the automotive and supplier industry are compensated.

The company is combating the shortage of skilled labour with a stable team and a continued high proportion of trainees. "Even though it's harder to recruit young talent, although we have great teams in all areas," emphasises Johannes Maier. Many desires are fulfilled by flexible working time models and mobile working with home office without traffic jams on the way to work. One unusual innovation is that employees can bring their dogs to work with them. This is not only practical for dog owners, but often also promotes communication and lifts the spirits - “not only in administration, but also in the foremen's offices", as dog owner Maier realises with surprise. In addition, there is also trust and responsibility in the specialists at AMF. It's not just the most successful new development in 2023 that speaks in favour of this management model.

AMF focuses on innovative new products with market potential

The Smart Automation loading system presented at the successful EMO was the most celebrated new preentation last year. The flexible robot system for automated workpiece handling, developed by a young team of several people, is simply placed beside new or existing machines and creates more productivity up to a third, unmanned shift. Interest and demand are huge and confirm the objective of effectively countering the shortage of skilled labour. A modular system for clamping free-form workpieces in additive manufacturing or for the post-processing of cast parts is also attracting a great deal of interest, as series are becoming ever smaller and parts ever more specific. The ability to set up and clamp quickly is a major requirement in production halls. Both innovative new developments confirm how close AMF is to the market and its changes. "This gives us confidence for 2024 and the future," concludes Johannes Maier.

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