EMO Hannover

Innovate Manufacturing

EMO Hannover 2023 focuses on current production technologies

Frankfurt am Main, February 2, 2023 – Want to learn about the latest in production technology? Production experts visiting EMO Hannover 2023 will be doing just this in September. They can experience live and on site the latest trends at a total of four joint booths. These booths will be focusing on additive manufacturing, connectivity, open space cobot solutions, and sustainability. Martin Göbel, Director Exhibitions at the EMO organizer VDW (Verein Deutscher Werkzeugmaschinenfabriken, or German Machine Tool Builders’ Association) in Frankfurt am Main, knows the value of a visit: “Nowhere else can production specialists experience the sector’s innovations so close up – presented in thematic packages over the entire process chain, and up to date at all times. So, if you’re coming to EMO Hannover 2023 in September, you shouldn’t miss out on the joint booths.”

Innovative 3D printing as a fixed constituent
No matter whether aircraft construction, medical engineering, or hydrogen economy – additive manufacturing methods are growing in importance in production. And the business prospects are good: This was verified recently by a survey among the approx. 200 member companies of the Additive Manufacturing Working Group within the VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, or German Engineering Federation). Almost three quarters of these companies are expecting in the coming 24 months an upward trend in their business in Germany. Yet the technology can utilize its full potential only when it is integrated successfully in highly automated industrial process chains.
How this works is demonstrated in the Additive Manufacturing Area. Here companies will be presenting pioneering concepts from the whole bandwidth of the additive process chain, whether direct and indirect 3D printing technologies, engineering materials, or rapid product development (RPD).

Connectivity of production processes at a glance
In digital production, machines must be able to communicate with each other, irrespectively of their make, age, or controller.
The Future of Connectivity Area therefore focuses on these processes. Here visitors will encounter new applications, automation processes, smart production, Industry 4.0, machine learning, predictive maintenance, IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), and many other aspects. And the editorial series Future of Connectivity will also be reporting on these subjects in the run-up to EMO Hannover.

Humans and robots work hand in hand
More and more companies are investing heavily in automation to maintain their productivity and competitive strength, to augment their resilience and versatility, and to keep pace with growing demand. For instance, the number of new industrial robots installed in 2021 exceeded the 500,000 mark for the first time – a new record. Specifically cobots, or collaborative robots, are in high demand. They already now make up 7.5 percent of all installed industrial robots, and this is an upward trend.
The Open Space Cobot Solutions Area is therefore fully dedicated to the interactions between humans and industrial robots and their actual and potential applications. Manufacturers will be presenting to an international trade public their automation solutions based on cobots and their innovative use: grippers, image processing, measuring systems, software, industrial electronics, feed systems, and much more can be experienced up close.

Sustainability to underlie tomorrow’s production
The declared goal of the 2015 Paris Agreement is to limit the rise in mean global temperature to a maximum of 2 degrees Celsius. At the latest since then it has become clear: The subject of sustainability is seen as a challenge of global import affecting society as a whole. Among other intentions, the European Union has resolved as a result to render its economy and society carbon-neutral by 2050. The manufacturing industry too is feeling the considerable effects, and it sees itself faced with equally imposing challenges – and opportunities.

At EMO Hannover 2023, the Future of Sustainability in Production Area provides the ideal environment for experiencing the latest solutions for tomorrow’s production. Here visitors can learn about the current trends in energy efficiency, the integration of renewable energies, circular economy, and lifecycle concepts – a fair highlight, not only with an eye to climate protection and reduced production costs in times of persistently scarce energy and raw materials. The focal theme Future of Sustainability in Production is also the subject of professional articles that appear regularly online.

Further details for visitors and exhibitors online
The joint booths are not only an excellent opportunity for visitors to learn about the latest trends and topics. Exhibitors too can focus specifically on the addressed products and technologies. “Our offer is intended to give all exhibitors from the start-up to the global player an opportunity to present their innovations simply, economically, and tailored to their target groups. As all-inclusive packages, the joint booths provide the perfect framework for this,” concluded Martin Göbel when asked to summarize their benefits.

Interested parties can find further details on the EMO Hannover webpage https://emo-hannover.com/thematic-sections.
(Length: 5,432 characters including spaces)

Author: Tobias Beckmann, VDW

EMO Hannover 2023 – the world’s leading trade fair for production technology
From September 18 to 23, 2023, EMO Hannover 2023 will be the venue for international manufacturers of production technology to present their smart technologies over the whole value chain. Under the banner Innovate Manufacturing, the world’s leading trade fair for production technology will be presenting the whole bandwidth of modern metalworking, which is at the heart of all industrial production. The presentations will include the latest machines plus their efficient engineering solutions, product-related services, sustainability in production, and much, much more. EMO Hannover focuses on cutting and forming machine tools, manufacturing systems, precision tools, automated material flows, IT, industrial electronics, and accessories. Trade visitors to EMO come from all of the key industrial segments, including machine and plant building, automotive and its suppliers, aerospace, precision mechanics and optics, shipbuilding, medical engineering, tool and mold making, and steel and lightweight engineering. EMO Hannover is the most important international meet for the world’s industry. At EMO Hannover 2019, more than 2,200 exhibitors from 47 countries attracted nearly 120,000 trade visitors from about 150 countries. EMO is a registered trademark of the European Association of the Machine Tool Industries (Cecimo). EMO host is the German Machine Tool Builders’ Association (VDW) of Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: Verein Deutscher Werkzeugmaschinenfabriken e.V.

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