Fastems Systems GmbH

Fastems Launches New Generation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems

Fastems, manufacturer of automation equipment and software, is launching a new generation of flexible manufacturing systems engineered to fulfill manufacturers’ growing needs to handle shorter product life cycles, higher product mixes and lower volumes.

Included in the new Adaptive FMS product family are FMS ONE (pictured), a configurable machine tool pallet automation system, and RoboFMS ONE, which combines the benefits of an industrial robot and a flexible manufacturing system. Both systems are built from standard modules that offer fast delivery and easy operation. Multi-Level System (MLS) and RoboFMS are systems in the product family that can be customized for special needs.

The FMSs feature increased modularity that enables faster deployment and adaptability. Standard modules reduce equipment delivery and implementation lead times and enable custom fitting of automation solutions to specific end user needs. The integration capabilities have improved, and Adaptive FMS provides easy integration with thousands of 3 to 5 axis machine tools.

Greater adaptability also includes expanded range of load handlers, such as cranes and robots that can transfer workpieces from 0.1 kg to 3,000 kg in any shape or size. Smaller footprints and more spacious pallet storage maximize the space utilization. A key design driver for the renewed product family is improved ergonomics, including lower system reaches that free operators from working in difficult positions.

Fastems’ automation equipment includes a variety of extendable and flexible manufacturing systems, robot applications and control software. Fastems is an open integrator which means that the automation systems can be incorporated with virtually any modern CNC machine tool and auxiliary equipment brands. Typical applications range from simply joining two or three machine tools together with a Flexible Pallet Container (FPC) to highly sophisticated, factory-wide flexible manufacturing systems that include part finishing and tool management capabilities as well.

Watch a short introduction video to Adaptive FMS here.

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: Fastems Systems GmbH

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