
Digital Industries, Motion Control, Machine Tool Systems

New production possibilities - additive manufacturing

05Oct. 2015
Schmauss Werner
Schmauss Werner Ingenieur Siemens

Hybrid and additive manufacturing techniques are revolutionizing our perception of what and how we will be able to manufacture in the future: With additive manufacturing, individual parts can be produced faster and more cost-effectively, even in large quantities. Customized tools, complex components and innovative prototypes are no longer an issue thanks to additive manufacturing.

This development opens up completely new possibilities for companies and enables individualized mass production. With the help of additive technologies, materials such as plastics, metals, ceramics and glass can be placed on top of each other layer by layer within a very short time. Individual parts can thus be manufactured directly on site, precisely where and when they are needed. This makes production a great deal more flexible, faster and more cost-effective. Additive manufacturing is also used in product finishing: A product is mass-produced using traditional manufacturing methods and only the individualized part is printed. Even structures that cannot be achieved using conventional methods can be manufactured. Components that are currently solid can in the future be “printed” using support structures with cavities, which will allow for significant weight and space savings. Additive manufacturing methods do not require tools, and as a result, no time or cost is expended for toolmaking.

Shaping international standards

Today, we are already able to provide support to ensure the most effective use of the new technology in manufacturing processes along the entire value chain: from product development to hybrid machine automation - combining traditional manufacturing methods with additive methods - right through to production itself. We already manufacture spare parts for turbines, as well as custom armrests and seat covers for trains using additive manufacturing methods. To ensure that we can help shape international standards and secure the latest process and material knowledge, we work closely with the preliminary development team and the research department, as well as customers, universities and industry associations.

A combination of freedom and precision

Additive manufacturing is not in direct competition with existing manufacturing processes, however. Instead, it will enhance traditional methods such as milling or grinding. Even today, “new” and “old” manufacturing methods can be effectively combined. This is shown by the increasing numbers of hybrid machines that can produce complex parts using additive manufacturing and then perform the finishing milling process fully automatically using the same machine. This combines the freedom offered by additive manufacturing with the precision of a traditional machine tool.

See for yourself live at EMO

We will be demonstrating these very advantages at EMO 2015 in Milan. The Lasertec 65 3D hybrid machine from DMG MORI, equipped with our SINUMERIK 840D sl CNC, integrates additive laser deposition welding (DED = Direct Energy Deposition) in a high-tec 5-axis milling machine. The openness of the SINUMERIK 840D sl CNC, both in its operator interface and in the area of real-time applications, is the key to completely new manufacturing methods.

With NX Hybrid Additive Manufacturing, the CAD/CAM-CNC process chain is now complete. A complete solution for hybrid manufacturing is now available, with special additive operations such as planar and rotary filling and design geometries. The SINUMERIK 840D sl CNC enables complete machining to finished part quality with fully automated switching between turning, milling and laser operation. This flexible switching between different machining technologies enables the preparation and finishing of components that are no longer accessible on the finished part.

Additive manufacturing thus shows its strengths precisely where conventional methods reach their limits. The technology comes into play where engineering, design and production need to be reconsidered, in order to find innovative solutions.

Come and see additive manufacturing for yourself at our EMO booth in Hall 3, booth E06/F03 or find out more on our EMO exhibition website. Follow all the latest from the exhibition on Twitter, our blog, our CNC4you website and the CNC4you App.

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