
Digital Industries, Motion Control, Machine Tool Systems

WorldSkills Leipzig 2013 – The World Cup for careers

Schmauss Werner
Schmauss Werner Ingenieur Siemens am 29. April 2013 um 11:06 Uhr
WorldSkills Leipzig 2013 – The World Cup for careers
WorldSkills – well it sounds new. But actually it isn't. WorldSkills has been taking place since 1946, the World Cup for the trades, services and careers in industry; and in the meantime, now takes place every two years. In 2013, the awards will be handed out in Leipzig for 46 occupations that require formal training. Between July 2 and 7, the city is expecting an influx of 1000 participants from countries all around the world taking part in the event.

In CNC turning and CNC milling, the various competitors will be demonstrating their skill sets on machines from DMG / MORI SEIKI, which are equipped with SINUMERIK 840D sl and SINUMERIK Operate. The demands are high: "Everything comes together: Starting from programming in CAD/CAM up to the selection and measurement of the tools. And then comes all of the hustle and bustle at the event – this certainly puts you under some pressure", explained Tobias Brockfeld, the winner of the qualifying round for CNC turning in Germany. This is also the opinion of Tobias Schanzenbach, WorldSkills Workshop Supervisor in CNC milling and Siemens trainer. According to him, working under extreme pressure is one of the main assessment criteria.

Participation at WorldSkills not only offers considerable benefits for the participants, but also the companies training them. For instance, the trainees themselves tackle difficult topics and take a far more practical approach in their work. The quality of their training is increased just by the fact that they are trained in areas, which are otherwise not covered so intensively in their vocational education. Not only this, it is also a "great opportunity to get some experience under your belt", explained Johannes Rudolf, German Champion in CNC milling. Measure yourself against the global competition, establish contacts and learn even more in your subject matter – WorldSkills makes this all possible.

The candidates are also enthusiastic about working with SINUMERIK Operate: "I think that the user interface with all of the screens and color graphics is extremely user-friendly", explained Johannes Rudolf.

We would like to wish all WorldSkills participants, and of course, especially in the disciplines CNC turning, CNC milling, production technology and for the demonstration profession, plastic molding development, lots of fun and a great experience!
For more information about WorldSkills and the in-depth interviews with those participating, visit:
Siemens is also product sponsor for the disciplines plant electrical systems, polymechanics/automation as well as electrical engineering. For more information on this, visit:

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