
Digital Industries, Motion Control, Machine Tool Systems

Siemens plans to take over products from OMAT Ltd., extending its software portfolio for the Digital

Siemens Digital Factory plans to take over products of OMAT Ltd., a supplier of software solutions for adaptive spindle feed control, improvement of tool life cycles and vibration analysis of spindles for the use with CNC controls. The software solutions offered by OMAT focus on optimizing the spindle feed during machine operation. These solutions from OMAT Ltd., headquartered in Jerusalem, will provide a significant addition to the Siemens CNC software portfolio for Sinumerik and further strengthen Siemens' position as a leading supplier of CNC controls mainly in the field of digitalization.

"Machine tool manufacturing is part of Siemens' focus industries. The take-over of products from OMAT Ltd. is another step towards reaching our goal to provide our customers with a complete portfolio that helps them to implement their digital enterprise. The software applications which we will develop on the basis of technologies from OMAT Ltd. will be mainly applied in the field of Sinumerik Edge, significantly broadening the range of solutions for our customers in the machine tool market," explains Dr. Wolfgang Heuring, CEO Siemens Motion Control Business Unit. "The combined offer will place us into an even better position to provide innovative solutions that meet the challenges of machine tool builders and users on their journey to digitalization."

An innovative solution of OMAT Ltd. is the Adaptive Control & Monitoring (ACM), which significantly reduces the processing time of part programs, extends the life cycle of tools and avoids tool breakage. This technology is based on an analysis of machine tool data and additional parameters of the part program. Based on the algorithms developed by OMAT Ltd., process times can be reduced by up to ~20 percent which translates into a significant increase in productivity.
Other products use additional data and readings captured from external sensors, which further optimize the machining process. Solutions based on these developments have already been installed by OMAT Ltd. at their customers' and are expected to be advanced further.

In a first step, OMAT Ltd.'s technologies will be integrated into the software portfolio of Siemens Digital Enterprise, complementing it with process optimizing solutions in machining. In the future, these technologies will be merged with the development in the field of Siemens Industrial Edge and Sinumerik Edge.

The transaction is due for completion in the third quarter of 2018. The parties have agreed not to disclose any financial details of the transaction.

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: Siemens AG

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