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AXOOM with new partners and offers

Business platform for the manufacturing industry announces cooperation with ZEISS Group and Gühring KG at the Hanover Trade Fair – AXOOM IoT for the secure connection of machines and components around the world

At an advance press conference for the Hanover Trade Fair on March 7, the software start-up AXOOM announced new partnerships with firms including Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik GmbH and Gühring KG, as well as new offers. In addition to demonstrations such as the "IoT Café” with its connected coffee machines, the booth will also showcase an active production world connected in its entirety via AXOOM. Machines and components from ZEISS, TRUMPF, Felss and others all deliver digital representation to a giant screen, ensuring transparency. Solutions from the new AXOOM IoT product range as well as from partners including XETICS LEAN, will all be deployed. Providers are given an easy way to connect with their machines, components and sensors – worldwide. This allows them to react quickly to problems, optimize production processes, actively initiate updates and maintenance work and significantly reduce operating costs.

The globally operating technology group ZEISS is represented at the AXOOM booth with a connected production-measuring device. ZEISS solutions for multi-dimensional measurement technology always place a primary focus on flexible adaptation to customer requirements: for example, ZEISS measuring instruments can transfer their data to diverse platform technologies. At the Hanover Trade Fair ZEISS, in cooperation with TRUMPF and AXOOM, will show how measuring instruments can be integrated into higher-level systems and production planning, as demonstrated with the production-measuring tool ZEISS DuraMax.

Gühring KG has already set up a first app – a cutting-force calculator – in the AXOOM Store. A navigator app is currently in the development phase. Here, the customer enters a material and selects the type of processing; the app then suggests which tool is suitable and also enables rapid ordering. In addition, Gühring is also planning to use AXOOM internally as a platform. The company produces precision tools on grinding machines built by itself, and in various fully automated plants. Gühring is expecting major added value from the connection of these machines – and AXOOM will be playing a key role in machine status presentation worldwide.

These examples of new partners sum up what’s so special about the AXOOM system: its openness. “Machines from various manufacturers can be connected to our platform. On the one hand, this enables machine manufacturers to communicate with all devices in the field and thereby offer better services; on the other hand, users in a manufacturing company receive a complete digital representation of their production halls,” explains Managing Director Florian Weigmann. "We are connecting two worlds and optimizing information flows between machine manufacturers and the manufacturing industry.” With AXOOM, digital services and apps can be created in next to no time – and this opens up new business models. Machine digitization and connectivity via AXOOM give both the manufacturer and the end-user clear added value.

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: TRUMPF SE + Co. KG

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