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Cordless slitting shear for spiral ducts

TRUMPF has developed the new slitting shear TruTool C 200 with innovative 18 V lithium-ion rechargeable battery technology specially for machining spiral pipes. The high-performance power tool is also suitable for cutting sheets up to two millimeters in thickness.  

The trend to work with cordless power tools for manual machining is continuing. That is why TRUMPF continues to enhance and refine its 18 V lithium-ion battery series. The latest addition is the TruTool C 200 slitting shear. Equipped with a 2 Ah rechargeable battery, it demonstrates its strengths, particularly when cutting spiral ducts, as it cuts seams with a thickness of up to 3.6 mm in mild steel (400 N/mm2). So far this performance has only been achieved by the larger TruTool C 250 with an 18 V rechargeable battery and chip clipper.  

Crucial for this is the steel cutting head, which ensures ruggedness and strength. TRUMPF also uses corrugated cut guides even in the basic version, which, in combination with the durable knife, reliably cuts even double metal sheets. The special cutting edge geometry also ensures comfortable self-feed, which allows high working speeds of up to 10 m/min without much effort.  

Quick and easy retraction of the slitting shears from the metal sheet is equally important for machining spiral pipes. TRUMPF achieves this through an open cutting head. Thanks to this technical trick, the C 200 can even do without a chip clipper. In addition, the user has a good view of the marking, which allows very accurate setting of the slitting shear.   In order to achieve a high application versatility of the new slitting shear, the tool has a rechargeable 18 V battery and is compatible with a range of different cut guides and suitable cutters that are available in the respective accessory sets. In addition to the standard Spiro set there are five other sets that focus on cutting quality, speed, easy turns or material compatibility respectively.  

Being the series with an rechargeable 18 V battery, the cordless C 200 exhibits a perfect balance of drive performance and run time. Its most outstanding feature is the combination of a brushless motor and the proprietary power head technology. The high-visibility charge status display is placed directly on the motor, telling the user when a recharge is needed. Low energy consumption, short charging times and the standard second battery enable continuous usage over a longer period of time. The rechargeable 2 Ah batteries can be charged to 80 % within 15 minutes (100 % in 30 min).

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: TRUMPF SE + Co. KG

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