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TRUMPF achieves sales growth of 3 percent

Mechanical engineering company publishes preliminary figures for 2015/16 fiscal year: Sales slightly higher than previous year at 2.8 billion euros

At the end of fiscal year 2015/16, ending June 30, 2016, the TRUMPF Group successfully registered a 3 percent increase in sales. According to preliminary calculations, the figure amounts to 2.8 billion euros (previous year: 2.7 billion euros). The order intake, at 2.8 billion euros, lay roughly at the level of the previous year.

"Even though we were unable to keep sales growth as strong as in the previous fiscal year," said Dr. Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller, President and Chairwoman of the TRUMPF Managing Board, “this result is still satisfactory in view of the global situation.” Here she mentioned the economic slowdown in China and Brazil, the sanctions against Russia, and also the strength of the Swiss franc.

She added that over the past fiscal year, TRUMPF had pressed ahead with several targeted investments in the future, including the development of new machines and business models, and structural expansion of locations in Germany and abroad.

Among the reasons for the increase in sales, the company mentioned developments in some regional markets. In Spain, for example, TRUMPF achieved double-digit sales growth. Growth in France was also in the double digits, regaining pre-recession levels. Sales in Germany grew by around 5 percent, to almost 600 million euros.

TRUMPF also achieved significant sales increases in Japan and the Asia-Pacific region. In China, however, economic growth cooled. According to preliminary calculations, revenues there totaled roughly 360 million euros – a decrease of around 2 percent over the previous year (369 million euros).

So far, the recent Brexit decision in Great Britain has not seriously endangered business prospects there over the long term. With its sales company (90 employees) in the UK, TRUMPF generates around 55 million in annual sales. Since 2008, with its subsidiary SPI (300 employees, around 70 million euros), TRUMPF has also manufactured lasers in Great Britain that are sold worldwide. "We have been paying special attention to the market ever since the referendum,” said the TRUMPF President, “but demand for our products has so far remained unbroken."

The official figures, including the TRUMPF company's annual profits, are due to be presented at the Annual Press Conference in Ditzingen on October 19, 2016.

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Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: TRUMPF SE + Co. KG

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