Climate protection begins in design and production

This starts with the design of the machine, continues through production, and on to the complete life cycle of the machine including the optimisation of operating costs and ends with the scrapping of the machine at the end of its life.

For many years now, we have always looked at our tool grinding and eroding machines as a whole. This means that we not only consider how we can save energy directly at the drives in the machine, but also how the operation of the entire machine including part loading, compressed air and extraction can be made more efficient. The measures described below give an overview of what we have done and achieved to improve energy efficiency.

The focus of this brochure is on energy saving during machine operation in our customers' production process. To the same extent, of course, we also pay attention to the energy consumption in our own production and thus reduce the energy consumption during the entire life cycle of the machine. We also have all our measures independently assessed by external experts, from the German Steinbeis Kompetenzzentrum Nachhaltige Energie (Steinbeis Sustainable Energy Competence Center) who examine all our activities to ensure that we are doing the right thing in every case and that our promises to save energy are fulfilled.

In the future we will measure and balance the energy consumption of all machine types before delivery in the future. This is the only way to know how much energy is actually required for the production of a workpiece: not only for the machine, but also to provide all operating media. The measurement setups and routines were developed together with experts from the Steinbeis Kompetenzzentrum Nachhaltige Energie (Steinbeis Competence Center for Sustainable Energy).

Energy efficiency measures include technological improvements in the machine, such as the use of energy-saving LED lights in our machines or the supply of coolant via a frequency-controlled coolant pump. By using highly efficient components, we have been able to significantly reduce energy consumption in recent years. Analyses carried out by the Steinbeis Competence Center show that by using the components used in the machine today, an 11% reduction in energy consumption has been achieved compared to the components that were common and available on the market in 2005.

On the other hand, we have optimized machine operation by reducing energy consumption during off-times or by simulating the production process in the machine software. With these and other measures, savings between 30-40% can be achieved.


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