UNITED GRINDING Group continues its course of success with new owners

One of the world's leading machine tool manufacturers, the UNITED GRINDING Group, has a new owner. The new owner structure comprises a strategically aligned pool of investors organized by the Swiss BZ Bank Aktiengesellschaft. The sale of the Group by the Körber technology group was completed with effect from the end of June 29, 2018, following approval by the responsible supervisory authorities.

The UNITED GRINDING Group has experienced a very positive development in recent years and has been able to further expand its strong position in the machine tool market. Investments in innovative solutions, modern production technologies, the Group's international locations and consistent focus on customer benefit, have all contributed to this positive development. The new owners want to systematically continue this success with UNITED GRINDING and the course previously pursued so successfully.

“BZ Bank is delighted to be able to offer its customers the opportunity to invest in a high-yielding international industry group, which is one of the leading providers in the relevant markets,” says Martin Ebner, CEO of the BZ Bank Aktiengesellschaft. "For our long-term oriented investors, the ongoing positive development of the Group is of crucial importance. Further strengthening the Group's solid foundation is therefore of great interest", emphasizes Ebner.

“Our aim is to remain one of the market leaders, based on our broad and thus unique product portfolio. We also want to shape further developments in our customer industries actively. Together with our new owners, we will continue our international course of expansion and invest even more intensively in technological and digital innovations in our products and services portfolio,” says Stephan Nell, CEO of the UNITED GRINDING Group.

"We are pleased that the new strategic owner can open up further development opportunities for the UNITED GRINDING Group in order for them to continue to lead and actively shape their market in the future," says Stephan Seifert, Chairman of the Executive Board of Körber AG.

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: United Grinding Group Management AG

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