Laser und Lasersysteme für die Materialbearbeitung

Cancelled: AKL'20: International Laser Congress in Aachen

17Dec. 2019
Moritz Förster
Moritz Förster Leiter Forum Photonik Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.

The AKL'20 Congress had to be cancelled due to the current situation concerning the virus SARS-CoV-2.

In the year of the 60th anniversary of the laser the Aachener Kongress für Lasertechnologie (AKL) takes place again. From 6 to 8 May, the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT) invites the laser community to Aachen. The VDMA will be represented at the sponsor exhibition with an information stand.


AKL'20 in Aachen attracts with scientific conference and sponsor exhibition

During the conference of the Aachener Laserkongress the whole variety of laser technology will be discussed. On the first day of the event (6.5.2020) a beginners seminar on laser technology and a technology business day will be offered. Alternatively, the developments of additive manufacturing, quantum technologies and the application of artificial intelligence in laser technology can be discussed in three forums. The second and third days will focus on the latest developments in laser material processing and laser beam source determination. In the breaks of the event the sponsor exhibition with over 50 companies and federations can be visited. The VDMA, the conceptual sponsor of the congress, will also be represented here.


Innovation Award Laser Technology 2020 and Laser Technology Live

The Innovation Award Laser Technology will be presented during the evening event on the first day of the conference. The 10,000 Euro prize is awarded by the Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik e.V. and the European Laser Institute as a European prize for applied science. Proposals for the award winners can be submitted until January 15, 2020. One of the conditions is that the industrial implementation of the innovation to be awarded must have taken place no more than three years ago. On the second day of the conference, visitors will also have the opportunity to experience over 90 laser technology demonstrations live at the Fraunhofer Institute and at companies of the User Center.

The lectures at the congress will be held with simultaneous translation in English and German. The registration, the participation fees and the program of the event from 6 - 8 May 2020 in Aachen can be found here.

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