We Make Master Pieces
FollowerHerstellerY.H. Tools Manufacturers PVT Ltd.
Produktgruppe Maschinenschraubstöcke
ProduktbezeichnungPrecision Self Centring 5 Axis Vice
Self Centring 5-Axis Machine Vice Designed for Precision 4 & 5-Axis CNC Rotary
Table usage, either in horizontal or Vertical Machining and widely used with Grinding & Precision Milling Machines.
Vice Precision of its Centre Repitition Position is ± 0.02mm.
The Space Saving design and Solid Construction allow a Maximum Blocking ratio to Total overall Dimension of the vice.
High Alloyed Quality resistance steel, Case Hardened HRC 60 ± 2 is Used In all Body and Accessories of Vice to Give Maximum rigidity, High Performance & No Wear.
All Components of Vice are interchangeable with Perfect alignment to Provide different work holding Solutions.
Minimum Clamping depth of workpiece 3 or 4 mm gives enormous Material Savings.
Maximum Clamping Pressure 5000 Kg approximate.
Highest Holding Power at Minimum Clamping Force.
Vice Allows Application of Short Tools reduced vibration & Longer Life to Provide the best Finish.
Ideal for use in 3 Axis machining centres also for mass production with multiple vices setup.
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