ZCC Cutting Tools Europe

your Partner \ your Value

"We continue to be available for our customers with all our services features."

Anna-Lena Kirchenbauer
Anna-Lena Kirchenbauer Marketing ZCC Cutting Tools Europe GmbH am 30. März 2020 um 15:55 Uhr
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ZCC Cutting Tools Statement on COVID-19

The effects of the corona virus are of concern to the whole world right now. We take a stand in order to communicate transparently and to address possible concerns through facts.

Thanks to the close coordination with our parent company in China, we have been prepared for the current situation since January. From the initial outbreak in China, we have been in even closer contact to learn from each other.

We have taken the following measures to protect our employees and reduce the rate of spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus:

Employees work Remotely
A defined number of employees work from home and can be reached as usual. The European headquarters is still occupied and operational

European warehouse is protected
The European warehouse and its employees have had particularly high security standards for weeks, The facility is off limits for anyone not working there. Parcels and returns are made available for collection in a quarantined space.

Contacts are reduced
External and internal contacts are reduced to a minimum. Coordination among colleagues takes place primarily via telephone, video conference and email. Business trips and customer visits are largely canceled.

Hygiene standards implemented
Hygiene standards of the Robert Koch Institute and the WHO have been implemented. The internal task force team communicates the recommendations regularly. In addition, all offices and employees are equipped with disinfectants.

In addition to these important measures, we focus on smooth business processes and customer requests. The corona virus currently has no negative effects on our ability to deliver our processes:

Production in China on schedule
Production in China is going according to plan. ZCC Cutting Tools has never had a suspected coronavirus case to date.

Full warehouse in Düsseldorf
The current stock of standard products is as planned, high levels of stock available for several months. This forward-looking measure is an investment in the ability to deliver customer satisfaction.

Air freight is organized
Modified air freight routes could be installed at an early stage and the logistics are working intensely on shipping the products to Europe. Air freight shipments arrive weekly at our headquarters in Düsseldorf.

Task force team for crisis communication
If you have more complex questions on individual cases, the task force team, Business management or sales management take over the communication. In these individual cases, we promptly conduct individual discussions about how to proceed wherever necessary or requested by customers.

Still need help? All known contacts and the Taskforce team are available at [email protected] for further questions.

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