Siemens Digital Industries Software

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High-Frequency Electromagnetic Engineering Solutions

Siemens has entered into a strategic partnership with Ingegneria Dei Sistemi (IDS), an independent engineering and systems technologies company based in Italy, to provide high-frequency electromagnetic (EM) engineering solutions to the market. As such, the Simcenter™ portfolio will have a more complete offering, with the additional ability to engineer the electromagnetic performance of systems with regard to antenna design and installation, EM Compatibility (EMC), EM Interference (EMI), EM hazards and more. This strategic partnership fits into Siemens’ goal to address the engineering needs of smart systems with convergence of product lifecycle management (PLM) and electronic design automation (EDA) software. By further complementing solutions from Mentor, the partnership reinforces Siemens’ offerings in autonomous driving (AD) and the Internet of Things (IoT).

“Partnering with Siemens creates tremendous leverage on our 40 years of EM expertise, having successfully solved the toughest EM problems in highly demanding industries like naval, space and aviation,” said Mauro Bandinelli, head of the Electromagnetic Engineering Division at IDS. “We look forward to extending our key areas of focus, including providing best-in-class EM simulation software, physical testing competencies and practical EM engineering & design. Through this collaboration, IDS’s state-of-art EM technologies will be accessible to our joint customers across all industries on the Simcenter platform.”

The performance of electronic devices and smart systems depends largely on electromagnetic behavior. With the increasing integration of electronics into everyday products and increased connection to IoT, engineers need a fast, accurate representation of how products will perform in real-life situations to ensure design success. This large increase of electronics, specifically wireless devices, creates a likelihood of EM interference and potential system malfunctions, but also allows the opportunity for new product functionalities if properly managed in the design stage. Simulating potential interferences long before a product is made can help prevent loss in product quality and customer satisfaction. This extends to industrial applications where IoT is used in industrial plants and process industries, and it is mission-critical that EM sensors and their product integration are engineered with the highest fidelity and robustness.

In automotive, autonomous driving presents a higher stakes circumstance where reliability and safety require high-quality EM sensor behavior for obstacle detection and collision avoidance, both long and short range, but also V2X. IDS solutions provide realistic predictive engineering, on scalable virtual models ranging from individual sensors through full systems integrated into virtual cars. By integrating such highly physical EM radar and communication systems simulations into driving scenarios, car manufacturers will be able to increase the safety and performance of autonomous vehicles.

“The partnership with IDS provides exciting opportunities for our customers in the area of electromagnetic simulation,” says Jan Leuridan, senior vice-president of Simulation and Test Solutions, Siemens PLM Software. “IDS’s electromagnetics solution, soon leveraged by the power of Simcenter 3D, our unified, unique environment for 3D CAE, will provide engineers unmatched technologies to optimize their designs more quickly and will truly benefit product development cycles.”

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: Siemens Industry Software GmbH

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