Siemens Digital Industries Software

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Korean Food Manufacturer Selects Siemens’ Teamcenter to Optimize Product Development

Binggrae, a leading food manufacturer in Korea, has selected Siemens’ Teamcenter® software to enhance its entire product development cycle. With the introduction of Teamcenter, the world’s most widely used digital lifecycle management software, Binggrae expects to shorten lead times for product development and product improvement in order to improve competitiveness and accelerate product innovation. With its optimized infrastructure for collaboration and product lifecycle management Teamcenter help Binggrae establish brand-focused intellectual property systems and set a cross functional team (CFT)-based schedule management system. Through brand-focused information management, an efficient and accurate decision making process can be established to lay the groundwork for effective management and operation of multiple projects.

“We expect Siemens’ software to help us optimize our product development processes and lay the foundation for quicker development to manufacture highly competitive products by establishing a cooperative system,” said Mr. DongKi Ha, Head of Information Innovation team at Binggrae. “Teamcenter software provides PLM processes and product development functions ideal to consumer goods manufacturers like Binggrae. With the adoption of Teamcenter, we could establish an advanced data management system that integrates marketing and research and development.

In accordance with rapidly changing tastes and preferences of its consumers, Binggrae needed to develop a new infrastructure system to manage product data systematically throughout the product development cycle. Working with Siemens’ product lifecycle management (PLM) software business and its Teamcenter solution, Binggrae plans to capitalize on diverse product ideas and manage products in a more optimized way by managing the whole process from production to product launch. Binggrae expects Teamcenter to help enhance productivity by improving its formulation process and the quality of its packaging & artwork. It also anticipates that the optimized product development process will improve the success rate of the new products as well.

“As product development is transitioning to be completely digital, companies require new approaches for growth and production,” said Il Han, country manager, Siemens PLM Software Korea. An optimized PLM tool is essential for a successful digital transition, and we are glad that we are able to support Binggrae’s digitalization of their product development process. We will actively support Binggrae in its path to achieve digital transformation for PLM and innovative brand development that meets the needs of its customers and the market.”

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: Siemens Industry Software GmbH

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