Siemens Digital Industries Software

Where today meets tomorrow.

Siemens extends Xcelerator portfolio with enterprise-wide quality management system

Siemens Digital Industries Software announces Teamcenter® Quality software, a new suite of solutions that provide a closed-loop approach for quality management, from design to manufacturing on the shop floor and back again. Teamcenter Quality helps keep product development, quality planning and continuous improvement processes in synchronization to help maximize the value of change management and configuration management capabilities on the Teamcenter collaboration platform.

“Given today’s product complexities and time to market agility needs, leading manufacturers include quality management into their collaboration, change management and data backbone, such as Teamcenter represents today,” said Matthew Littlefield, President and Principal Analyst at industrial transformation analyst firm, LNS Research.

In today’s market, companies are continuously challenged to reduce product and operating costs, while still improving quality, to distinguish products and gain a competitive advantage. Every effort must be made to improve efficiencies among teams that may be distributed across the globe. On the other hand, consumers are requesting more innovation, faster delivery and cheaper products to the market, while still ensuring their quality and safety. This new extension to the Teamcenter portfolio allows engineers to set quality requirements early in the design process and establish the parameters required to help ensure the product realized during the production phase will meet the necessary quality standards.

Cebi, a worldwide manufacturer of electromechanical components for the automotive and household appliance industries, has recently engaged in a long-term partnership with Siemens in order to accelerate its digital transformation throughout the entire development process, starting from the concept phase through quality execution at the shop floor up to the customer service. “An important aspect in our digital transformation is to set up a common approach for managing product information and improve collaboration across Cebi’s global network, in which all the actors bring in their added value to meet customer expectations in terms of product innovation and quality,” said Paul Elvinger, member of the Executive Board at Cebi.

“Teamcenter Quality provides a digital thread throughout the design and production phases, creating aligned workflows between quality, manufacturing and engineering teams to help improve collaboration and reduce the need for coordination,” said Dr. Raffaello Lepratti, vice president of Business Development and Marketing for Manufacturing Operations Management at Siemens Digital Industries Software. “Creating this single source of truth for product, process and quality data can help ensure each step of the process is synchronized and compliant, while also offering traceability and a high level of transparency within the process.”

Teamcenter Quality is accessed through a modern web interface and includes AI-enabled user guidance with Teamcenter Assistant functionality. To learn more about Teamcenter Quality, please see here. For additional information, join the Teamcenter Quality YouTube Premiere on February 11, 2021.

Note: A list of relevant Siemens trademarks can be found here. Other trademarks belong to their respective owners.

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung: Siemens Industry Software GmbH

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