Fastems Systems GmbH

Virtual Live-Event: November 15, 2022

19Oct. 2022
Maike Teuwsen
Maike Teuwsen Marketing Manager Fastems Systems GmbH


Unique insights into the development and realization of a special manufacturing solution will be offered by the virtual live event on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, from the production of ALLMATIC-Jakob Spannsysteme, an SME and manufacturer of vices in Unterthingau, Germany.

For years, the idea for this solution had been “slumbering” in a drawer, so to speak, as Herbert Mayr, Managing Director of ALLMATIC, reports: “I had the idea of a robotic cell to complete the machining of various components for our vises in different batch sizes, which can manufacture unmanned around the clock. In addition to flexible workpiece handling, the cell also handles the automatic retooling of a machine tool when the job changes.”  

A completely new idea with ambitious requirements, for which Herbert Mayr received nothing but dismissals from many machine manufacturers for a long time. Until he finally found the right partners for the implementation in Gebr open house event: HELLER as general contractor for the project and supplier of a 4-axis machining center, and Fastems as system integrator. ALLMATIC uses their own Clamp Drive solution for automatic and flexible workpiece clamping in the system. 

Exciting experiences of a successful partnership 

In the live video stream, Herbert Mayr of ALLMATIC, Thomas Weinhold, Senior Sales Manager of Fastems, and Christian Heiler, responsible for quotation and project management of automation solutions at HELLER, tell the story on how the cooperation began, which special challenges had to be overcome, and how the unique agile robot cell was ultimately developed. During the live broadcast, participants will see the real robot cell to watch the individual processes and learn some technical details in the process. In the end participants have a possibility to ask questions in a live Q&A session. 

Bold steps and new paths  

All the specialists involved in the development of the robotic cell have entered uncharted territory. “Such a project requires a detailed analysis of what exactly is to be automated and how the individual requirements can be implemented technically. Therefore, the success depends on open and constructive cooperation in which all the possibilities but also concerns can be discussed honestly,” says Thomas Weinhold from Fastems.   

“We have broken new ground and gained a lot of valuable experience in the process. During the event, for example, we will be showcasing a system concept that has been specially adapted to the project requirements and does NOT use a hydraulic clamping device, as often in such solutions,” says Christian Heiler from HELLER.  

ALLMATIC has also learned a lot and also discovered new potential for optimizing processes and sequences during the project. Herbert Mayr comments: “Today, we have fully automated machining of the parts in two instead of three setups. Furthermore, we were able to integrate additional, previously manual workflows into the automation.” 

Fastems, ALLMATIC and Heller warmly welcome everyone interested join the live virtual event 15th November 2022 at 14.00 UTC (London) / 9 AM EST (New York). Register here>>

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