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Expansion of the versatile DMQP portfolio

DMG MORI Content Manager IndustryArena GmbH am 25. Februar 2020 um 13:00 Uhr

DMG MORI underscores the growing importance of its DMQP program with the presentation of three new DMQP partners from the fields of air filtration, clamping technology and clamping systems.

  • DMG MORI Qualified Products (DMQP) Program generates the perfect synergy between machine, periphery and accessories.
  • Over 2,700 peripherals and accessories for integral manufacturing solutions available for its customers worldwide
  • New partners:
  • AR FILTRAZIONI sets standards in efficient air cleaning
  • Innovative clamping tools from Schlenker Spanntechnik
  • Modular and standardized clamping system from FCS System

The DMG MORI Qualified Products (DMQP) Program generates the perfect synergy between machine, periphery and accessories. Maximum demands on quality and the bundling of absolute innovation and technology expertise from over a hundred selected DMQP partners, who were exclusively awarded the premium seal of quality for their products, constitute a sound basis here. With the global DMQP seal of quality DMG MORI makes over 2,700 peripherals and accessories for integral manufacturing solutions available for its customers worldwide. The program includes the product categories “Machining”, “Handling”, “Measuring” and “Monitoring” as well as the Peripherals and Accessories for ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING. At the Open House in Pfronten DMG MORI will be starting off the year by presenting three new partners who will sustainably strengthen the DMQP program, AR FILTRAZIONI, Schlenker Spanntechnik and FCS System.

AR FILTRAZIONI sets standards in efficient air cleaning

AR Filtrazioni develops and produces purifying units for recondensing and purifying oily mists, fumes and every kind of atmospheric pollutant generated by the machining processes on machine tools. The system ensures efficient and sustainable filtration of up to 99.995 percent of particles with a volume of > 0.1 µm Maintenance operations are reduced to once a year for machines that produce around the clock, seven days a week. Patented filter systems (60 percent self-cleaning and/or washable) and optimized air flows enable this exceptional air cleaning performance with simple and minimum maintenance requirements. The new DMQP partner produces eleven standard product series at its headquarters in Bergamo. 25,000 systems have been installed worldwide over the last 25 years.

With the Beginning of 2020 at Open House Pfronten DMG MORI will be presenting three new Partners that will strengthen the DMQP programm.

Innovative clamping tools from Schlenker Spanntechnik

With the Beginning of 2020 at Open House Pfronten DMG MORI will be presenting three new Partners that will strengthen the DMQP programm

Schlenker Spanntechnik from Villingen-Schwenningen ranks as a leader of technology in the development and production of high-quality and innovative clamping tools for bar machining. 100 percent vertical integration with the latest production technologies means the company can respond quickly and flexibly to all customer requirements and most especially it is able to meet the continuously increasing demand for special clamping tools. Its high demands on quality and smart future-oriented clamping tools make Schlenker the ideal DMQP partner. Its already existing affiliation with the ADAMOS network also goes to show just how intensively and consistently the groundbreaking technology development is being pushed ahead.

Modular and standardized clamping system from FCS System


Modular and standardized locking system from FCS System.

FCS System from Venice will be a great support for the DMQP program in future with its modular and standardized clamping system for molds, components and production systems. The company draws on its own expertise in tool and mold making in the development of its intelligent clamping concept in order to provide users with maximum flexibility in highly complex machining operations. The FCS zero point clamping system, for example, not only optimizes set-up times, but more importantly provides significantly easier access to the workpiece being machined. FCS clamping systems are also being used increasingly in the automotive, aerospace and energy industries.

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