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DMG MORI helps with speedy delivery in the fight against COVID-19

Daniel Piegsa
Daniel Piegsa Leiter Online Marketing DMG MORI Europe Holding AG am 18. Mai 2020 um 10:00 Uhr
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Nijdra Group

Orders for the producers of medical products take top priority during the corona crisis, so DMG MORI as a machine supplier is also doing its part to help increase production capacity within the shortest possible time – with a CTX beta 800 TC from the showroom in Bielefeld.

DMG MORI helps with speedy delivery in the fight against COVID-19


“Time is a crucial factor in the fight against the COVID-19 virus. Thanks to DMG MORI we have been able to expand our capacities within just five days.”

Already in the third generation, the Nijdra Group founded in 1947 is a competent partner for its customers in the development, production and assembly of fine mechanical parts and mechatronic modules. The family-run business supplies companies from many different high-tech industries, such as the semi-conductor and medical sectors. These all trust in the competence of the 100 specialists at the Group’s three locations near Amsterdam. Among the machines on the shopfloor at Nijdra are seven machine tools from DMG MORI, one of which had to be delivered in the shortest possible time in view of the worldwide corona crisis.

“High-quality products at competitive prices with short delivery times are a trademark of Nijdra”, says manager Dennis van Dijk. This is also the reason for the high degree of customer loyalty. “Of course this means we often have to respond very flexibly and quickly.” The latest example of this is the worldwide corona crisis.
The COVID-19 virus is spreading so quickly that health services are being pushed to their limits or even completely overwhelmed. “In particular the demand for ventilators and laboratory equipment for analyzing blood samples is greater than ever before.” Parts and modules for these and other medical products are part of everyday production at Nijdra.

WHO – Appeal to all manufacturers of medical equipment to increase their capacities

“Normally medical equipment accounts for 40 percent of our sales, but this currently stands at 65 percent.”
Time is a crucial factor in the current situation: “Top priority is given to orders that help in the fight against the COVID-19 virus.” Philips Healthcare approached Nijdra in response to the appeal from the WHO (World Health Organization) to all manufacturers of medical equipment to increase their capacities in view of the pandemic. Philips Healthcare’s primary need was for components for ventilators, monitors and CT scanners. “We, too, are faced with the challenge to meet this high demand”, explains Dennis van Dijk.

6-sided turn & mill complete machining

As Nijdra supplies growth markets for the most part, the company is striving to ensure sufficiently high production capacities and to optimize production processes. Complete machining is also a hot topic as the machines on the shopfloor clearly indicate. Five machining centers alone from DMG MORI are in operation, including
two 5-axis DMU 65 monoBLOCK machines with automation. Where turning is concerned, Nijdra has been using a CTX beta 800 TC with a bar feeder automation since 2017. “The counter-spindle and the +/- 110° B-axis with a dedicated milling spindle enables 6-sided complete machining including deburring on the machine”, says Dennis van Dijk. “Thanks to its 120 Nm and 12,000 rpm the compactMaster milling spindle offers us the milling performance of a machining center. The Y-axis with +/- 100 mm also allows complete machining of all sides of highly complex workpieces.”

Production in the µm range with the CTX beta 800 TC

It is of extreme importance in these difficult times to ensure the required qualities under the given time pressure. “We use the CTX beta 800 TC to produce different medical instruments and parts for X-ray tubes, which have very high surface quality specifications.” Both the accuracy of the turn-mill center and the handling of the workpieces are of vital importance here: “On the one hand we produce in the µm range on the CTX beta 800 TC and on the other we always wear gloves, clean the parts directly on the machine and pack them in special bags.”

Five working days incl. conversion, delivery and commissioning

Due to the good experience it made with the CTX beta 800 TC, Nijdra ordered another machine in order to further increase its capacity in 6-sided complete machining – quite independently of the rapid spread of the Covid-19 virus. Delivery was planned for the end of May – too late to increase the urgently needed production capacity. To help Nijdra nevertheless supply the urgent orders from Philips Healthcare and other customers, DMG MORI provided a CTX beta 800 TC from its showroom in Bielefeld, which it delivered to Nijdra within five working days. “This included conversion of the automatic production with a bar loader and commissioning.
The loaned machine will enable us to produce and thus help meet the high needs until the new model is delivered,” says a pleased Dennis van Dijk.

The fact that Dennis van Dijk appreciates the uncomplicated cooperation is reflected in the forthcoming plans to ramp up capacity even further: “We are convinced that industries such as medical technology will continue to grow - and of course our company as well. We see DMG MORI as a partner that provides us with optimum support.”


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