Paul Horn GmbH

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Real-time tool monitoring

Jessica Nossek
Jessica Nossek Kommunikationsreferentin Paul Horn GmbH am 27. Oktober 2020 um 16:37 Uhr

In close cooperation with the Kistler Group, Paul Horn GmbH has further developed its globally unique solution for real-time monitoring of tools used in turning applications. Kistler is world market leader in dynamic measurement technology for measuring pressure, force, torque and acceleration. The Piezo Tool System (PTS) consists of a force sensor that is precisely built into the turning tool and provides information on the condition of the tool during machining. The system is able to measure forces from a few Newtons and has a standard sampling rate of 10,000 Hz, making it possible to measure even the smallest cutting forces. This allows the machine operator to identify defective workpiece materials or grades, or even a tool breakage immediately, resulting in minimum waste and an outstanding level of quality. Furthermore, the user can extend the service life of the tools used. Horn offers the sensor-monitored tool holder as a square-shank turning tool holder, a gang tool unit for Citizen Swiss-type lathes and a base holder for INDEX multi-spindle lathes and for the Supermini tool system. Additional interfaces for other machine manufacturers are in development.

The PTS is especially suitable for turning operations. In these applications, alternative measurement methods such as monitoring the drive power of the main spindle motor are not practical as they cannot detect the minute deviations. Measuring structure-borne sound would also be unable to deliver consistently satisfactory results when machining small workpieces. Additionally, visual monitoring has to be ruled out due to the use of coolants and the high rotational speeds of the machining process. The PTS solution is compatible with selected standard turning tool holders from Horn. It does not require any intervention in the CNC system, can be used on any machine and only requires a small amount of space. Using the PTS results in reduced production costs as well as increased production capacity.

Converting standard holders to PTS holders is easy and does not require any further modifications to the machine. The tool carriers exhibit outstanding stability despite the measurement technology that is built in. The PTS gang unit is used in exactly the same way as a standard gang unit and allows all standard tools to be installed. Accordingly, the processes of changing tools and making adjustments are no different from those performed on a standard gang unit. The standard base holder 968 for INDEX multi-spindle lathes can be replaced directly with the PTS base holder 968. The holder system allows all HORN type 842 cartridges to be used. Tool change, cartridge exchange and adjustment of the centre height are identical to those of the standard tool.

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