Paul Horn GmbH

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04Feb. 2022
Jessica Nossek
Jessica Nossek Kommunikationsreferentin Paul Horn GmbH

New Boehlerit high-performance tools

As Boehlerit's sales partner for the German market, Paul Horn GmbH is delighted to present new, high-performance tools from the Austrian tool specialist. Innovations in the fields of carbide, coating and chip flow have enabled the development of a new generation of grades for turning steel. These parameters have been finely tuned to create the new grades for steel machining: BCP10T, BCP15T, BCP20T and BCP25T. The new Boehlerit steel grades offer high performance and machining reliability throughout the entire turning process. A specially designed chipbreaker with a modified chamfer suppresses a significant proportion of the vibration generated by the machining process and ensures reliable chip flow. The new AlTiN PVD coating is designed to meet the most demanding temperature and toughness requirements, while its golden colour allows wear to be detected. The PVD coating comes into its own when machining small components, working at low cutting speeds and when the tool is required to enter the material frequently. With “MRM” – the latest generation of indexable insert geometry – Boehlerit has extended its ISO turning portfolio for medium to heavy roughing of stainless materials. The company can now offer the perfect indexable insert geometry for virtually any application with stainless steel. The new “MRM” chipbreaker is an extension of the established “BMRS” geometry; although the feed rate ranges are similar, the MRM boasts a deeper rake angle, resulting in significant differences in micro-geometry. This development reduces the cutting force, which increases process safety and extends service life on hard stainless steels.

The Boehlerit-Horn partnership

Horn and Boehlerit have entered into an exclusive sales partnership. The Tübingen company handles all sales of the carbide precision tools for milling and turning applications in the German market. The partnership is a direct response to the wishes of Horn customers, which have often requested a wider product range. Before teaming up with Boehlerit, Horn needed to work with a variety of different partners so it could act as a single-source supplier to its customers and cover a broad spectrum of tools. But these partnerships were not always a success – because Horn does not accept compromises. The tool manufacturer always strives to find the best solution for its customers – and Boehlerit’s high-performance carbide tools make the grade.

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