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Tool and Mould Making Medal of Honour 2021 for Lothar Horn

14Jun. 2021
Jessica Nossek
Jessica Nossek Kommunikationsreferentin Paul Horn GmbH

The Tool and Mould Making Medal of Honour is an award that has been presented to deserving personalities in the industry at the exhibitors evening since the beginning of Moulding Expo. It is given to pioneers and visionaries who have made groundbreaking predictions for the industry and are role models. The tradition was continued at this year's virtual trade fair evening on 10th June.

This year's award winner is Lothar Horn, Managing Director of Paul Horn GmbH in Tübingen. "Even though he directs and manages a really big company in the industry, he has remained true to himself over all these years, accessible to all, approachable. A human being", says Richard Pergler, owner of Pergler Media. Lothar Horn leads his employees as a personal role model and has left a lasting mark on his company and, above all, in his very own style. This includes not only the atmosphere and the people in the company, but equally the way of dealing with users, customers and suppliers. Rarely is there as much laughter as in his presence. In short: Lothar Horn creates space for the people around him so that they can develop.

At Hartmetall-Werkzeugfabrik Paul Horn GmbH, he has built up an internal toolmaking department for special processes that is hard to find anywhere else and he is a constant pioneer in this field. Lothar Horn was chairman of the VDMA Precision Tools Association for many years and, in addition to his entrepreneurial activities, also acts as a representative and ambassador for the industry worldwide. However, he not only has an impact as a businessman far beyond his company: social commitment is a serious and personal concern for him in many areas and projects.

On behalf of Lothar Horn, who was unable to take part in the online award ceremony at short notice, his son Markus Horn accepted the medal of honour, which was machined with HORN tools.

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