EMO Hannover

Innovate Manufacturing

EMO Hanover 2019: Optimized serial casting of MIKROMAT - only 4 weeks from idea to series

"Optimization of individual technologies wastes potential," says Thomas Warnatsch from Mikromat. "The rapid production of prototype casting in a few days, the coordinated optimization of the technologies of foundry, mechanical processing and assembly, taking into account the specific market requirements, such as variant formation, availability and system or unit costs, are brought together at Mikromat Rapid Technologies." Rapid Technologies of the machine tool manufacturer Mikromat enables fast, optimized casting solutions for a wide variety of tasks. Large and medium castings were quickly generated without restriction from the 3D data model. Modern simulation tools ensure maximum process reliability. According to the objective, the most suitable technologies are used for mold production, often in combination. Direct form milling is usually the most efficient technology in development and series production. The moldings are programmed in the CAM, the sand blocks with appropriate reinforcement and casting accessories molded, milled or, if appropriate, printed in 3D. The precise mold segments can then be assembled in the core block process into arbitrarily large and very precise casting molds. Finally, in the foundry, the melt is introduced. Before the mechanical processing, the unmachined part will be measured and, if necessary, the mold design corrected for subsequent parts. The milling of the sand mold enables very precise structurally optimized castings with minimum machining allowance and very good surface quality. Thus, Mikromat's Rapid Technologies minimizes costs along the entire value chain and increases utility value through structure and material optimization. Processing times are reduced, the start of production is accelerated and comes in line with market requirements.


If you want to know more, come to the fair EMO Hanover 2019!

Find Mikromat in Hall 11 Booth B19 and receive expert consultation.

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