EMO Hannover

Innovate Manufacturing

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Press conference in Dubai a success

The metropolis on the Persian Gulf is not only a megacity with a population of around 2.7 million people, it’s also the economic and cultural center of the Emirate of Dubai. Thus Dubai has the ideal conditions to introduce the world leading trade fair EMO Hannover. The Team of the EMO World Tour with Christoph Miller, Head of the VDW's trade fair department, is supported by Imad Eddine Oubiti, representative of the local Chamber of Commerce and Industry (R.A.K.). Oubiti hopes to consolidate the economic relations between Germany and the United Arab Emirates through the EMO Hanover and is promoting an Arab delegation. The great commitment and interest of journalists and visitors as well, leads to the hope for an early reunion in September.

Economic growth in the United Arab Emirates has slowed down. The low oil prices are reducing government revenues and putting a damper on the propensity to invest. Nevertheless, according to the experts, continuingly high investments can be anticipated in strategically important projects like the infrastructure required for Expo 2020. Thanks to a reduced dependence on oil, Dubai is predicted to remain the star performer among the Emirates in 2016.

The industrial sector accounts for somewhat more than half the economic result of the United Arab Emirates. To ensure that they remain internationally competitive, the Emirates need modern-day production technology. Imports of machine tools rose by 45 per cent between 2011 and 2015, to reach their most recent figure of 209 million euros. Germany, with a share of 8 per cent, ranks 3rd among the major supplier nations involved, after the USA and Italy. German machines are much in demand when it comes to high-tech or specialised solutions. In 2015, the German export statistics show that machines, parts and accessories worth around 20 million euros were supplied. This, however, corresponded to a fall of more than a fifth. In the first three quarters of 2016, though, this decline as more than offset. A plus of 71 per cent to around 23 million euros was already recorded in the year’s first nine months. Deliveries mainly comprised bending machines, laser systems, punching machines, plus parts and accessories.


Photo: VDW

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